Hello everyone! It's me, the blogger who doesn't blog! Ha ha. It's been so long since I've posted anything. To be honest, my head has been spinning a little bit. All in a good way though. It's just been such a big transition. To start off, we basically took over the creative arts department the day we got here. The first weekend we were at the church, we both were singing. The guy who was running it wasn't around because his wife was having a baby so we jumped straight in. Looking back it was a perfect way for things to go down. I didn't have time to be nervous or worry about it, we just had to jump straight in. 3 services a weekend, a music team of 50+ people and all that goes with it. I said all that to say this, I haven't even thought about my blog.
But that's not a good thing. I had a revelation this week (and when I say revelation I mean my wife talked to me about it). I've still gotta do things for me and that means blogging and talking to my friends. I've seen first hand what "ministry" can do to your marriage and relationships when you let things get out of whack. So, I will be blogging much more regularly. I'm even gonna put up some pics tomorrow.
SO MUCH has happened since we got here but I'll just stick with some personal stuff. We've got a home. It's a 3 bedroom townhouse in
Merrimac (a Gold Coast Suburb). It's got a/c and a dishwasher which are not "standard" like they are in America. It's also only about 7-8 minutes from the church which is nice. The best thing is we can be at the beach in about 12 minutes. I LOVE the ocean and the beaches here are the most beautiful I've ever seen (including Maui). Its just so relaxing.
We also got a car! A '93 Ford Laser with 220k. Ha ha. It's nice though. It's got a/c, great gas mileage and we only paid $2k for it. It's really cool to have a car and not debt. I've never had that before so it's exciting.
I miss you all and I miss
chipotle. God how I miss
chipotle. Ha ha. All is well though and I can't wait to put some pics up and tell you the story that way. Talk again soon.