This is us getting ready for the 4-D show, it was so funny things were in face and people were grabbing at them, we laughed so much. The car next to us is the one of the props they came out on at the ski show , which was pretty cool. It just came across the water. Then we saw the dolphin show and the shark aquarium. ~ Liv
I am trying blogging for the first time so here we go. We are on a couple of weeks holidays so after a few days of sleeping we are off to the Andy Warhol exhibition in Brisbane. It was fun. It wasn't to crowded and not to many of those people that stand in front of the picture forever. We took a quick snap, I don't think I was aloud. But we did anyway. He is a very interesting artist. Josiah really likes him and what he did in his era. I thought it was pretty good. We really liked the cows so we just had to take the shot. - Luv Liv
SO much has happened since my last post. Liv and I went on vacation for a couple of weeks. We went camping about 3 hours south of where we live to a place called Corrindi Beach. Our tent was set up about 20 yards from the edge of a cliff with a 180 degree view of the ocean. It was awesome. The weather was a little crap but it turned out ok. Lots of reading and listening to music which is great anyway.
Then when we got back this week we worked monday then left for this years first staff retreat. We went to "Kingscliffe" a town about 30 minutes south of the Gold coast and we stayed in a 5 star resort for 3 days. We relaxed, talked about the upcoming year, and we had some guest speakers come in and share. It is so fun to be a part of such a great team and great church. I can't describe how humbled and honored I am that God has given me what He has. Jesus love is amazing.
One of my many responsibilities is to publish our church magazine every 2 months and that will be my big focus today. I need to get it done before Wednesday so we can go to print. It's a lot of work but it's also a lot of fun and a great experience.
We've been doing a series at church this month called "Supernatural." It's about the holy spirit and the power of God, Anyway, we shot a video "spoof" of the TV show supernatural and it's pretty cheesy/funny. Check it out,
It has been an interesting week. First of all, tropical storms continue to pound the Gold coast so it rains for about 20 minutes, then stops for 20 minutes and that cycle just repeats itself. It means that we've spent most of the week inside and I'm starting to get a little bit of cabin fever. Next week Liv and I had planned to go camping for a week but unless the storm clear up we won't be going. My fingers are crossed though cause I don't want to be stuck in the house again!
This week at church we are starting a new series called "supernatural." It is of coarse a take off of the television show. The cool thing is me and this guy named brad at church filmed a supernatural video clip that I edited yesterday and we'll be showing at church on Sunday. It's so cheesy and funny I think it's going to go good.
As of yesterday I have had a gnarly head cold and I'm doing my best to try and shake it today. I hate being sick, especially when it's so humid you lay in bed and sweat. Ha ha, welcome to Australia I guess.
Tonight we are going to see "I am Legend" with a bunch of friends and tomorrow I'm going over to a guys house to play Halo 2 head to head with 2 tv's linked up. It's going to be awesome.
Born in a big, small town. I spend most of my days listening to music, writing music and playing my guitar. I'm one of the lucky ones who has found his soulmate, a beautiful woman from sydney, australia who I can share every laugh and cry.