Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Actually not as tired today. After I came home from work last night I just crashed into bed and I think I got about 7 hours of sleep.

Liv called me 3 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. She had been sick most of the night and she wanted me to pray. I knew something was wrong because she normally wouldn't call me and wake me. Thankfully she got feeling better as the day went on.

The sunrise was amazing this morning. Yesterday was great too. The sky was filled with those light wispy clouds that the sun reflects off of and paints the sky pink and orange. Massive.

Still haven't begun training at my job yet. They have me just re-naming files and doing busy work because they don't have time to train me yet. Hopefully they will start training me tomorrow.

Had lunch with Josh again today. He's a cool guy.

Ross talked about "Bringing Back The Biff" on sunday. I guess a "biff" is a fight in Australian football. He said we need to have some fight in us if we're going to be anything in this life. It was the perfect message for me this week. I feel like I'm fighting my way through each day.

I just want to go home and go to bed. Only two more days and I'll be home everynight, no later than 4:30. I can't wait.

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