Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bad Start...Ok Finish

Today did not start out so hot. My stomach was upset. Woke me up a couple times in the night and it woke me up this morning. Pain is not a good alarm clock. It got better though. After a couple of trips to the bathroom (yea it was brutal) I felt a whole lot better.

I spent the morning cleaning the house and then I finished up some praise & worship backing tracks for my mom. All in all it was a productive morning considering it had such a rotten start.

Liv got a totally new hair cut/color today. I like it. I call it a Cleopatra cut. It was wierd though because when I saw her I felt like I was seeing another woman. Cheater! lol.

Today is payday and boy can I use it. My part time paychecks don't go far enough. I'm looking forward to starting my new job on monday. I'll be working 14 hour days next week. WOOO!! It's only temporary during my transistion.

I heard some very sad news today. One of my very good pastor friends' church is in trouble. Looks like they might have to close the doors. It sad when good church's have to close. I will be praying that they can keep going.

Tomorrow is the end of my "secular" music fast. 30 days of nothing but christian music. Not many people thought I could do it and I had my doubts myself. But I honestly have not missed it for the past two weeks or so. God really rearranged my heart during this time. I'm sure I'll have to fast it again.

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