Liv's wisdom teeth days are numbered. She has been in pain for the past week and this Friday they are taking them out. She asked me what they will use to take them out. I said i think they use pliers, dental pliers sure, but they are still pliers. It made her nerves get a lot worse I think. Oops. Thats what a good husband does I guess. lol.
We don't have Sunday night service this weekend so that is gonna be cool. We're gonna hang out with Jon and Crystal and maybe catch a movie...probably a movie you Americans saw months ago. Australia blows when it comes to new releases!!
Just found out that I get to go on Christmas vacation from December 26-January 14. YEA! That's one thing America could learn to do better. Back home it's all push push push and the day after Christmas you're right back to the grindstone. Everything kinda stops here and unless its at least 2 weeks off they don't even consider it a real apposed to 2 weeks being your entire vacation time for the whole year back home.
I have been writing a lot lately for church and hope to start doing original church songs really soon. I am sick of playing hillsong and citipointe stuff. God has really opened my heart to writing worship music and I hope that people get in to what I am doing. Either way it's just good to be writing again.
oh and plus the fact that you a re a good writer and have a lot to bring to your church!
I miss you brother.
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