It seemed like only yesterday Natalie handed Zach those headphones and told him that the shins would change his life. A few seconds of New Slang and the tool from Scrubs said "I like it." I guess quite a few people agreed.
The Shins new album "Wincing The Night Away" has debuted at #2 with sales totaling 117,991. I never would have guessed that this band would ever debut that high. Imagine what it would have been if the album hadn't of leaked months ago? I've been listening to my copy for a long time now.
This band has allowed me a lot of great elitist moments since Garden State got popular on video. I could attack people on two fronts:
#1 They would say, "have you heard of this new band, the shins? They're good." to which I could sarcastically reply, "They are not a new band and yes, I know."
#2 They would say "I rented this movie Garden State last night, it was so cool." to which I would scowl and say, "yea, actually I saw that in the theater on opening night."
Two responses that would make Rob Gordon very proud I think.
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